Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Heartbeat!

Today we met with our OB/GYN, Dr. Debbie Hebb, for the first pre-natal appointment. After getting through a pile of paperwork (seriously, you need my insurance information how many times???), we actually got to do things related to the baby. The exam was normal (and Ted looked thoroughly awkward), but the best part came last -- we got to hear the heartbeat. Considering we discovered our miscarriage in January because we could not find a heartbeat, this was the moment of the most anxiety for me. But as soon as she placed the machine on my stomach, we could hear the heartbeat, strong and clear. Ted and I both think it sounded like a washing machine (which my mom says means it's a girl), and the heart rate was 170 beats per minute, perfectly normal for the age.

We also got the official due date of November 15, 2008.

Currently, I'm sick to my stomach, and looking forward to the fabled health and energy that comes with the second trimester.

Weird craving: Limes and deviled eggs.

Next step: Genetic counseling and screening on May 5th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haz a heartbeat :-) you know, Meredith is a nice name if your mom is right, especially if little Martin comes a week early on Nov 8th! LOL!