Friday, May 23, 2008

Want Baby Names?

Ever find yourself wishing "If only I could hear someone call out long lists of names, so I could see what they sound like and name my baby?" Wondering what to do with yourself on a Friday at 4:00pm? Have I got an offer for you!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


They're not real kicks, but there have been several times recently where Gretchen has stopped suddenly, and said "its moving..."

On a related note, things proceed apace. Gretchen is getting more noticeable and thinks she has heard the kids speculating about what to expect if she is expanding. This last charming phrase, is of course, the name of my primary reference guide for the pregnancy. Like many of my literary choices, Gretchen is most displeased with my reading preference.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First Baby Pics!

We had our first trimester genetic screening today. This test is designed to screen for Down's Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18. It's pretty much a big probability game, but by combining family history, blood work, and ultrasound results, they can determine the probability of the baby having a chromosomal/genetic abnormality.

The good news is that the preliminary tests have come back "negative", meaning I have a very low risk of genetic abnormality. The better news is that we got a bunch of super pictures from the ultrasound! For comparison purposes, we also have the 6-week ultrasound pictures.

Week 6 Ultrasounds -- It looks like a blob. It's the little lima bean looking thing at the bottom of the black mass.

Week 12 Ultrasound -- It actually looks like a baby!!! You can see its profile. The little bump on its face is the hand, and the leg and foot are on the far right.

It's waving hello!

No gender news yet; we'll find that out in mid-June.

Current cravings: Anything I can keep down -- everyone says the morning sickness ends after 12 weeks. They lied. I truly think it will never end....

That and dried cherries.

Next step: Doctor's appointment on May 21st.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Condensed Baby Tips

From the same folks who provided us with those invaluable pregnancy tips. Now we know what to do after the baby shows up.