Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby Monitoring for Millenials

SBefore anyone points it out in the comments, I am aware that Gretchen and I are actually the last days of Gen X (the very last in my case) and thus not technically Millenials. However, since we're on the edge, we exhibit trends of both groups.

One interesting trait of our population segment is that we're used to a lot of information flow. One potential negative aspect of that is that, as a generation, we have a touch of ADD. Baby development and monitoring has adapted to this; so far we've had a heartbeat monitor and an ultrasound and we'll have more ultrasounds, tests, scans, monitors and information as we proceed towards the actual birth then any other time in history. Even finding out you're pregnant happens far earlier, with greater accuracy and without having to see a medical professional. We think its really neat, older people sometimes seem surprised at how much we know and think that its strange to have so much monitoring.

Where does the tendency towards ADD come in? Gretchen would really like to be able to see things now, to be able to hear the heartbeat at home or take her own ultrasounds. Ideally, she'd probably like status emails and twitter posts from or about the baby. As fast as we get information, and as much as we get, it seems like a slow pace if you're used to digital markets and constant, user generated content. Like blogs. Wait a minute...


Sherri Cohen said...

Of course Ted writes a pseudo-intellectual post about having a baby...

Gretchen.Martin said...

Are you surprised? I'm just like, Baby. I'm sick. Limes? The end.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!