As parents to be, the stroller purchase has become more important than a major car purchase. And since my car is about the size of a large golf cart, we are very limited by space concerns.
So of course, being the snobs that we are, we find the single most expensive stroller on the market and promptly fall in love with it. Yes, the Maclaren, the Lexus of strollers, favorite of celebrities and yuppies everywhere, known for durability, small size, and style. And of course, the accompanying price take that can singlehandedly give you preeclampsia.

And here is the best part -- normally the Maclaren version of this stroller runs around $90. Ted and I were in Babies 'r' Us (NEVER go here unless you have to or want to have an incentive to take extra birth control), testing out all the strollers. And yes, we were discussing turning radius, shock absorbers, upholstery, available upgrade packages-- it really is like buying a car! And then my brilliant husband saw it -- the floor model of the Maclaren version of the Snap and Go (the "Easy Traveller" -- nothing is easy when you have a baby). And here is the best part....
So we grabbed that bad boy and wheeled it right out to the car (with a quick pit stop to pay for it, of course!).
Next logical step -- to see if we can put the cat in it and take him for a walk.
1 comment:
dude we were totally going to get you that dogfish onesie. LOLZ!
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